It's time to jump back into another awesome photo installment of Glacier National Park. Words don't adequately describe this place. If Glacier National Park were like a song it would be among the all time top ten along with Yellowstone in Wyoming. It would be really hard for anybody to cover it and fully do it justice at the same time. I suppose if there were a song that Glacier would be, it'd would be Stairway To Heaven. This is the place and song analogy I make because of the whole setting. I don't know about other times of the year but I know being there in August it felt like the Battle of Evermore playing in my head followed by Misty Mountain Hop. It's all very spot on as your jumping from mountain top to mountain top on the scenic "Going To The Sun" road. In fact I don't play Led Zeppelin everyday but if I have to open up the Led folder on my MP3 player you know something pretty epic is going down.. placing this on the play list is a requirement before entering Glacier- the rangers check you at the gates and say "Sir, are you carrying some really damn good tunes with you for this journey through the park? You better have an excellent play list, otherwise I'll have to deny you access until you come back with some suitable ear candy for the passage through the park."
Ok they don't really say that but they ought to. I'm gonna say that whatever music your into, whatever puts you at your spiritual high, your pinnacle favorite music, bring it. I love my Led yet there's other favorites I have, it's just that for whatever reason anything that's influenced by JRR Tolken and Hobbits fits this place. As I was cruising along I'd have expected small Lord of The Rings creatures to come running out of the woods. They don't have "Hobbit Xing" signs there and not like those things are real but a place like this seriously makes your mind run wild and imagine. I've been around many forests in my life, I've grown up near a forest and live near one currently but these woods are unlike (to me) any other North American forest I've seen. Something about it, almost has an old world forest vibe. It has a magical feeling, even if your not a Hobbit person which I'm not much you could still envision gnomes chillin' back there in the woods, maybe dragons or forest nymphs too. I guess gnomes are a European thing, I'd love to see European forests in my lifetime but in North America this is a very mystic place and will do nicely. Ok 'nuff of my yammering as I could talk all day about this place. Here's some more scenic eye candy.
From peak to soaring peak. |
The river below forms below snow pack where McDonald & Mineral Creek meet. The water flows back to McDonald Lake. |
Another view of Heaven's Peak. |
The ridge above "Going To The Sun" road. |
Looking north on "Going To The Sun" road. |
Looking south on "Going To The Sun" road. |
Lots of scenery ahead. The road is wrapping around Haystack Butte, Bishops Cap ahead on the left and in the distance on the left is part of Pollock Mountain and Piegan Mountain's reach. The road will move around that bend. |
A good reason why this is the "Going To The Sun" road. You go way high up and you can really feel the sun's rays. |
True majestic scenery at it's finest. |
I'll leave y'all with this. As there's plenty more scenery to come. We will soon be getting into some Glacier waterfalls. It's one of the most incredible processes to witness. At this level you can see the snow melt and flow down forming streams that sweep past the road. Descending water feeding creeks, adding to the rich ecosystem and lush greenery found here. Amazing stuff, this all is.